Responsible boat ownership requires that you take active steps to keep your boat in good condition. One way you can do this is by ensuring that your boat is cleaned on a regular basis. You might think that a clean boat is simply aesthetically pleasing, but the truth is that cleaning your boat can help prolong its life by reducing the risk of corrosion and damage from weather, sun, barnacles, algae and salt. 

A clean boat is also easier to maintain, because you’ll be able to spot problems more easily when they’re not coated in a layer of dirt. And also, a clean boat is simply nicer for you and your passengers to spend time in, so why not put in the effort to spruce things up?

Boat Country in Everett is your Washington State boat dealer. Below, you’ll find some tips on how to successfully clean your boat as efficiently as possible.

1. Get Supplies Together

Park your boat on a flat area with good drainage, such as a gravel or concrete driveway. Washing your boat on your lawn will introduce soap, salt and foreign organic matter into your grass, potentially harming or killing it.

You’ll also want to take the time to get your gear together now so that you aren’t hunting around for a sponge or cleaner. Here are some recommendations:

  • Fresh water supply (a garden hose is fine)
  • Marine boat wash (the gentler, the better)
  • Sponges
  • Hard-bristle scrub brush
  • Magic Erasers
  • Glass cleaner
  • Paper towels
  • Chamois cloths
  • Hull wax or polish
  • Telescoping brush (for larger boats)
  • Mop and buckets
  • Broom and dustpan
  • Trash bags
  • Small shop vacuum cleaner

2. Remove Personal Items

Go through your boat and take out everything on it, including personal items, valuables, paperwork, emergency gear, life jackets, trash, food and recyclables. You can go through the items you don’t discard to determine what needs replenishing or replacing and then place these items back on your boat when you’re done cleaning. Having the boat emptied out will make it easier to clean up the interior.

3. Rinse & Scrub Hull

Start the washing process by giving your entire boat a thorough rinse to remove some of the debris and make it easier to wash. Mix some marine boat wash with water in a bucket, dip in a sponge or your telescoping brush and begin to wash your boat in sections, from top to bottom. Rinse as you go to avoid soap scum formation. Give the entire boat another good rinse when you’re done. You can allow the boat to air-dry or use chamois cloths to wipe it down.

4. Clean Interior

Sweep and mop the floors of your boat to remove leaves and other debris. Make sure to clean up any sticky spills or crumbs from food that might attract pests. Wipe down your console carefully and clean glass with paper towels and glass cleaner, inside and out. Use a shop vacuum to get into nooks and crannies. Your vinyl seats may need some gentle scrubbing with a vinyl cleaner to remove dirt, mold and mildew.

5. Apply Polish

Once you’re done with the interior and exterior of your boat’s cleaning, you can apply your wax or polish with a soft cloth and buff it into the hull. A good marine wax will help to keep your boat shiny and new-looking while also deterring the accumulation of organic matter, salt and debris. It should also help to protect your boat from sun damage. Once you’re done, you can stand back and admire your handiwork!

Remember: if you need some professional assistance with your boat, you can always schedule an appointment with the Boat Country service department. Our mechanics will be happy to address any maintenance issues that your cleaning has uncovered and get you back on the water in no time. 

If you’re looking to purchase a new boat, visit our dealership in Everett, WA, or shop our website to see our full inventory of new and used boats for sale. Boat Country proudly serves Snohomish and Marysville, WA.