Winter boating can be challenging due to the unique conditions the cold weather brings in. However, don't let this deter you from planning fishing trips with your loved ones. You can make your outings rewarding by taking a few extra safety measures, so don’t worry. Here are a few things to consider when fishing during winter. Read on to learn more, and for more information, contact Boat Country in Everett, WA!

Prepare Your Boat

Winter boating can be more challenging with a poorly maintained vessel. An unreliable machine can malfunction or even break down on the water and get you stranded. To avoid this, tune up your fishing boat before each trip and maximize your safety. For example, winterize your plumbing system, stabilize the fuel, and replace the oil and oil filter if needed.

Get Proper Gear

Next, you should use winter-specific fishing gear to ensure successful outings. Opt for fishing rods with stiff tips and use braided or fluorocarbon lines for better performance in cold conditions. You’ll also want to use live bait like minnows or worms instead of lures, as they tend to be more effective in winter.

Dress Appropriately

Temperatures on the water are usually colder than on land. So, stay as warm and dry as possible by dressing in layers to retain heat and ensure comfort. We often recommend our customers wear waterproof gloves and boots to keep their hands and feet warm and prevent frostbite. You’ll also want to grab your raincoat before leaving home.

Check Weather Conditions

Always check the weather forecast before heading out and reschedule your trip if adverse conditions are predicted for your area. It’s better to wait it out than get stranded on the water.

We hope these tips help make your winter fishing trips safer and more enjoyable. If you need more information or want to upgrade your fishing boat to the latest model, contact Boat Country. We carry an impressive collection of fishing boats from various premium brands, and we can help you select a model that fits your budget and unique requirements. We proudly serve Everett, Snohomish, and Marysville, WA, so swing by today!